This is a question that I have often asked myself and that I hear from others.
To explore the answer to this question, let's talk about number three on our hit list: 3) Bacterial/ Viral load. What does this phrase mean? This is a term used by doctors and scientists to describe the overall burden that microbes have on the body. Microbes can be defined as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi. We live in a sea of microbes. They are everywhere, all over the globe and we have evolved right along with them. In fact, with some of them we have developed a symbiotic relationship , depending on each other for mutual survival or benefit. So why do some people get sick and others do not when exposed to the same microbes? This is a really good question to ask. There are many factors that can determine if a person gets sick or not. One of the main reasons that people get sick is STRESS! Yes, beleive it or not, stress directly suppreses our immune system and makes us more vulnerable to disease. Stress comes in many forms, physical, mental, emotional, chemical, etc. You may not even be aware of how stressed your body and nervous system is as most of these responses are unconscious. Another of the main reasons why some people get sick more easily than others is what we discussed in our last post, Genetic Mutations in our DNA that interfere with the body's ability to fight off these microbes. So you can see that the answer to why some people get sick involves many factors. The top four we put on our hit list: 1) Environmental Toxins 2) Genetic Mutations 3) Bacterial/ Viral load 4) Stress All four of these interact and influence each other. If we do not consider and address all of them in seeking to reclaim our health then we will likely just be repeating patterns and only addressing symptoms. There is more and more evidence that bacteria and viruses can hang onto heavy metals in the body (see last two blog posts!) and use them to trick and defeat out own immune system. This is especially true for people with chronic neurological diseases such as, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, Autism, etc. Through a slow step by step process of detoxification these metals can be released from the body along with the microbes that were holding them in place. Some of the key culprits in the bacterial world are Streptococus, Lymes, and Gut bacteria run amok. For viruses we have Cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr, Herpes 1 & 2 and so on. Often one of the causes of increased viral load is vaccines. Vaccines have decreased in efficiancy over the years and so the manufacturers of these vaccines have increased the amount of attenuated virus in the vaccine to improve their effectiveness. This seems to be backfiring. Now you can see why. The bottom line: These microbes are opportunistic, they will only grow and flourish where they are allowed to. They have learned to survive. If your immune system, methylation pathways, diet, and the amount of toxins you are exposed to are kept at optimum, you are much less likely to get sick. Also, lets not forget about STRESS, the topic of our next blog. If you are suffering from any of these conditions please contact a qualified health professional who looks at you as a whole person, not just some lab values. God Bless. Yours in Health, Dr. Rick Munn
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