Do you have enough Energy?
Not just "are you feeling tired today", but: Do you have enough Energy to accomplish everything that you want to or need to?! Work, Play, Family, Relationships, etc… Do you have enough Energy to respond to life’s stresses and challenges? Are you building up or breaking down? These are really good questions to ask. Why? ...Imagine a life where your body is vibrantly alive. You have more energy than you need. At the end of the day not only are you ready for more, you are excited to take on what’s next. You live from your vision and unique gifts, creating in an effortless flow that seems to manifest magically around you. Not possible you say? Not only is this possible, it is your birthright! How do you get there? Network Spinal Analysis and Somato Respiratory Integration are the fastest and best ways to achieve this state! How does this work? Whether you are thriving, barely surviving or anywhere in between, has to do with the amount of energy available to us. Are you: Energy Poor? Energy Neutral? Energy Rich? The goal is to be able to move freely between these different states as necessary in your life and evolution. With the right kind of help, people can find the safety and the fuel they need to shift into their desired/optimal Energy state in their lives. Do not feel bad if you think you are STUCK in one of these states. Your body has done an amazing job of keeping you ALIVE and accomplishing the tasks you have asked it to. Now you just need help to reconnect to the resources and safety necessary to shift and adapt to the next appropriate Energy state in the moment. Here are some definitions to help you understand this idea: Energy Poor can be defined as not enough energy to grow or even maintain your life. People in this state often feel powerless or like victims. They cannot meet the basic demands of life and are constantly downsizing and contracting to try to gather enough energy to survive the next few minutes. They are often chronically sick without enough energy to reorganize to the next level. Treatment of symptoms without addressing the underlying energy state will often yield poor or inconsistent results. According to Dr. Donald Epstein, "Energy poor systems may require massive energetic infusions from the environment that are likely to be experienced as trauma." Energy Neutral can be defined as just enough Energy to "get by", maintain the status quo, "keep it together", "same old, same old", etc. People in this state often maintain the cultural norms and conditionings, making sure that they "don't stand out" or, "rock the boat". They view life as a continuous series of linear events that they have little or no control over. Health-wise, they go from 0 to 70 years or so following the predicted course of our current cultural hallucination. They grow old and die, perhaps asking, "What did I contribute?" Energy neutral is a necessary part of our Energetic range, allowing us to function within the culture, maintain stability and live a "normal" life. Again, according to Dr. Epstein, "The target in Energy neutral is staying above the line of survival, being comfortable and happy, and having your experience match your expectations or culture." Energy Rich can be defined as a state in which there is an abundance of energy to meet life’s demands. There is so much free energy available that we influence the environment around us without even trying to. People can experience this as an effortless flow where things just seem to "happen" at just the right time. Creative expression, abundance, gratitude, wanting to contribute or "give back" is a natural state of mind. People in this state will influence the culture and create positive change in whatever area of life they choose to focus their energies. Instability (change) is a natural by-product of this Energy state. According to Dr Epstein, "Energy Rich is associated with an abundance of energy beyond status quo and provides Entrainment of the Field between individuals to inspire progress." How you perceive your world and the consequent responses of your Nervous system (Fight or Flight) depend on the amount of Energy available to you. In our world of cause and effect (2D-3D), sickness or dis-ease is viewed as something that we want to eradicate or get rid of as quickly as possible. What if the sickness was the Cure? What if your body/mind/spirit was trying to help you shift Energy states so you could reorganize to the next level appropriate for who or what you need to be next? In our current times, massive instability is inevitable in so many areas: Health care, our Political system, our Economic system, our Educational system, even our Climate. In order to meet the rapidly changing needs of the times and be able to thrive in an increasingly unstable world, we all need MORE ENERGY! Please understand, I am not saying that we should all be running around frantic in our concept of an Energy Rich state! What I am saying is that for any highly complex and dynamic system (such as human beings), we all need the ability to change, grow and adapt. To be responsive and response-able to the energy we receive and bring forth in the world. The key to this is having enough awareness and energy to shift to multiple perspectives at any given moment, allowing us to be Energy Poor, Energy Neutral, and Energy Rich as the situation demands. A cosmic dance of energy and information leading us all closer to the realization that we are all truly "One". How do you get More Energy? Great question. Network Spinal Analysis and Somato Respiratory Integration are the fastest and best ways to achieve this state of vibrantly alive Energy Richness! Helping people move from Energy Poor to Energy Rich (and everywhere in between) is our specialty! We help people turn Pain into Progress. Would your Headache, Back pain, ulcers, anxiety, insomnia, chronic fatigue, arthritis, cognitive dysfunction, etc. be different if you were Energy Rich? Wouldn’t you like to not only be free from pain, but be free to give your Gifts fully to the world? Isn’t it Time? We can help! Call to schedule your first experience NOW! More to come…
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Monday 3:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesday: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. & 3:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesday: 11 a.m.-1 p.m. & 3:30-6:30 p.m. Thursday: 3:30-6:30 p.m. Friday - Sunday: Closed |
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